Thursday, March 12, 2009

Blog Entry/Comment #5

Hello everybody!! By now you should have a list of questions about the problem you have chosen to explore. Its time to find some of those answers! Its time to look up resources to help you answer your questions. Here are some important things to consider as you explore the internet:
1) The best websites are those that end with .gov or .edu. They will give you objective (unbiased) information. Check out for statistics!
2) Sometimes websites that end it .org are useful, but be careful - many of the people who give information on these sites have their own ideas and are trying to persuade you to think a certain way.
3) Before you use information for any website, you should check and see who the author of the site is (you wouldn't believe any random person on the street, right?)

As you investigate some of your questions today, you will be keeping track of what you learn on your "problem-research sheet." At the end of today's session, write a comment on this Blog about what you learned today and where you learned it from! Your Blog comment should be at least 100 words!
Have fun!


  1. Average temperatures have climbed 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degree Celsius) around the world since 1880, much of this in recent decades. it also causes alot of severe weather

    Its about global warming

    i got it from

    i got this from
    The prevalence of some diseases and other threats to human health depend largely on local climate. Extremely warm temperatures can lead directly to loss of life or heat-related illness, while less-severe winters could reduce the number of cold-related deaths. Climate-related disturbances in ecological systems, such as changes in the range of some parasites, can indirectly affect the incidence of serious infectious diseases. Climate change has already caused an earlier onset of the spring pollen season in Europe and North America. In addition, warm temperatures can increase air and water pollution, which in turn harm human health.

    Many end because of a change in personality or lifestyle when friends just drift apart and fade away with time. There is a retreat from self-disclosure and seeking out each other's company. Avoidance begins. The friendship slowly loses importance and finally disappears. Other friendships break up suddenly from a disagreement or move to another town. For example, moving from single life to coupled life has a great effect on friendship. Coupled persons often feel their single friends act interested in them only when a romantic prospect is not in sight. They may feel jealousy for or neglected by a single friend's new social life. The single friend may feel awkward and withdraw from a world of twosomes. Divorced and widowed people often have a feeling of being abandoned by old friends.
    Bob Carver, Dallas psychotherapist, says, "A friendship or any other relationship fails because of three things:
    • Unexpressed expectations,
    • Undelivered communication,
    • And/or thwarted attention."
    Yet the biggest threat to a friendship is change.

  3. i got it from a parents review column

  4. I went to this website to help me answer my question. and basically that this person prespective was not bad. One thing he said is that i agreed on was, "Mistrust is not caused, it is chosen. Human beings behave based on what they intend to happen in the future, rather than on "external causes" from the past." And the question that i had was; what causes trust? And there's this girl opinion; that said "maybe a little insecurity and fear. sometimes fear leads to lying.. and insecurities can make or brake trust between two people.." These type of answers will help me with my questions that have; and it would bulid up my intelligents on what is really TRUST.

  5. global warming is created by the greenhouse effect

  6. The greenhouse effect is a natural warming process. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and certain other gases are always present in the atmosphere. These gases create a warming effect that has some similarity to the warming inside a greenhouse, hence the name “greenhouse effect.”

  7. money is the problem in society now.first written records of money-1200 BC,from Southern was covered with water.'twelve shekels' were paid into the bank account belonging to Algar Hammurabi, in return for 'use of his daughter'. Twelve shekels would buy you hundreds of it from all world

  8. To answer my questionn , i went ti this websitee :

    its a qoood website with ALOT of specific detail . i RECCOMEND it if your readinq about qlobal warminq like I amm .

  9. My problem was peer pressure and i found out that there is alot of differnet meanings and ways tht u can use peer prssure. and i found different topic and meaning from the wedsites.
    Sex and peer pressure

  10. the greenhouse effect is made when different gases in the atmoshere heat the earth

  11. I saidFor over 50 years, researchers have been studying how boys and girls interact. Not surprisingly, they have found some differences. For the most part, boys and girls are more similar than they are different. A lot of girls enjoy playing computer games, and a lot of boys enjoy more friendship-centered activities. Researchers have found, however, that as a general group, boys spend more time with boys in physical activities such as sports and games; whereas girls tend to spend more of their time socializing with other girls in more friendship-based activities (for example, talking with other girls) (1, 2, 3). So it is not surprising that boys and girls tend to bully and be bullied differently. One of the most consistent research findings is that boys are more likely to both bully and be bullied than are girls (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9). Also, boys and girls experience different types of bullying behaviors.

  12. when us humans release more of those gases like CO2 we contribute to that effect and make it worse

  13. hiii this is javier and i did some research about global warming...
    i found out that the greenhouse effect is unquestinably real and helps to regulate the temperatuer of our planet, also that human activity has increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere

  14. They may see it as a way of being popular, or making themselves look tough and in charge.
    Some bullies do it to get attention or things, or to make other people afraid of them. Others might be jealous of the person they are bullying. They may be being bullied themselves.

    Some bullies may not even understand how wrong their behaviour is and how it makes the person being bullied feel.
